Friday, August 21, 2009

Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcuts.

Using keyboard shortcuts is the best way to get things done faster.

Some good Keyboard Shortcuts:-

CTRL+ALT+L: View Solution Explorer. I use Auto Hide for all of my tool windows to maximize screen real estate. Whenever I need to open the Solution Explorer, it’s just a shortcut away. Related shortcuts: CTRL+ALT+X (Toolbox), F4 (Properties), CTRL+ALT+O (Output), CTRL+\, E (Error List), CTRL+\, T (Task List).

F12: Go to definition of a variable, object, or function.

SHIFT+F12: Find all references of a function or variable.

F7: Toggle between Designer and Source views.

CTRL+PgDn: Toggle between Design and Source View in HTML editor.

F10: Debug - step over. Related debugging shortcuts: F11 (debug - step into), SHIFT-

F11 (debug - step out), CTRL-F10 (debug - run to cursor). F9 (toggle breakpoint).

CTRL+D or CTRL+/: Find combo (see section on Find Combo below).

CTRL+M, O: Collapse to Definitions. This is usually the first thing I do when opening
up a new class.

CTRL+K, CTRL+C: Comment block. CTRL+K, CTRL-U (uncomment selected block).

CTRL+-: Go back to the previous location in the navigation history.

ALT+B, B: Build Solution. Related shortcuts: ALT+B, U (build selected Project),
ALT+B, R (rebuild Solution).

CTRL+ALT+Down Arrow: Show dropdown of currently open files. Type the first few letters of the file you want to select.

CTRL+K, CTRL+D: Format code.

CTRL+L: Delete entire line.

CTRL+G: Go to line number. This is useful when you are looking at an exception stack
trace and want to go to the offending line number.

SHIFT+ALT+Enter: Toggle full screen mode. This is especially useful if you have a
small monitor. Since I upgraded to dual 17" monitors, I no longer needed to use full
screen mode.

CTRL+K, X: Insert "surrounds with" code snippet. See Snippets tip below.

CTRL+B, T: Toggle bookmark. Related: CTRL+B, N (next bookmark), CTRL+B, P (prev

.NET Framework 4.0

1. On 29 September 2008 Microsoft announced the .NET Framework 4.0 .

2. Public Beta was released on 20 May 2009.

3. Parallel Extensions to improve support for parallel computing, which target multi-
core or distributed systems.

4. To provide Parallel Extension they plan to include technologies like PLINQ (Parallel LINQ).

5. A parallel implementation of the LINQ engine, and Task Parallel Library, which exposes parallel constructs via method calls.

6. Visual Basic and C# languages:-
a.innovations such as statement lambdas.
b.implicit line continuations.
c.dynamic dispatch.
d.named parameters.
e.optional parameters.

7. Full support for IronPython, IronRuby, and F#.

8. Support for a subset of the .NET Framework and ASP.NET with the "Server Core" variant of Windows Server 2008 R2.

9. Support for Code Contracts.

10.Inclusion of the Oslo modelling platform, along with the M programming language.

11.In 28 July 2009, a second release of the .NET Framework 4.0 beta was made available with experimental software transactional memory support, Whether this functionality will be available in the final version of the framework has not been confirmed.

12.In conjunction with .NET Framework 4.0, Microsoft will offer a set of enhancements, codenamed Dublin, for Windows Server 2008 application server capabilities.

13.Dublin will extend IIS to be a "standard host" for applications that use either WCF or WF.


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